How Anthony Bourdain Make Tasty Burger?

Three prescription formula of chéf and author of the book "Appetites"

Shake Shack burger – Image credit A Soekirno

How to make a tasty burger? You would ask what kind of food that is able to be made more palatable, but for the experienced chéf this can be done easily.

Anthony Bourdain, 60, a well-known culinary television show host, he has traveled the world, taste the delicious cuisine of a country.

Normally burgers consisting of two handfuls burger bun with vegetables and patty contents, he revealed that there are three things must be present in order to make burgers taste good.

Citing an article on the sites detikTravel, December 16th, I guarantee Bourdain recipe quite powerful and worth according to criteria which he can make a typical delicacy burgers. He said that everyone should ask first before making a burger, that he could create the perfect and tasty burger.

"Perfect burger shall consist of a bun (bread burgers), a classic soft potato, and large-sized beef patty with its good quality, and the melted cheese."

He seemed keen to explain the type of tasty burger, as in the video on Business Insider, last Nov. 23rd, for example such as In-N-Out or Shake Shack with a double patty gray can also be made.

"Extra cheese make it more perfect."

He himself preferred the burger with blue cheese, also burger with extra lettuce or tomato.

"But all these ingredients make the burger is structurally difficult to eat. The burgers should be eaten with one hand. And when bitten, you could feel all the representatives of the constituent elements of a burger."

Furthermore, he adds stuffing burgers may fall if combined with many ingredients.

"Burger so unattractive when all that remained was a bite of meat alone or bread alone."

Discussion becomes more interesting, as he agreed when the burger was added with ketchup and mayonnaise, if you insist.

But then, he asked simultaneously.

"Do I make burgers taste better?" and continued, "Is burger more delicious with extra bacon for instance?"

Specifically, he explained that it is important to consider changes in texture and flavor that may occur from the addition of burger materials. Bourdain is serious with his culinary creations, making burgers just as difficult as eating, he said.

"You have to consider the ratio of bread to meat, think about whether too greasy burger, or even less oily, and others that result in component burger can not resist each other as they should."

Source: A Annisa Dwi Rahmawati - detikFood, detikTravel, Business Insider
Image: Asti Soekirno


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