Americans backed away from Soda

Past 11 years, the soda industry has decreased significantly

Drinks with soda contained on any soft drink in the United States have long been regarded as the norm, something was missing when viewed Americans drink no cold soda. That was then, a time that has ever happened.

In fact we often see, for example, the old film presents scenes of someone offers soda, every household was already definitely found supplies of soft drinks in their refrigerator.

Times are changing, it seems that young people's interest America has changed and does not always like their parents, as written in an article lifestyle website CNN Indonesia, where soda sales record continues to decline, with an average of 1.2 percent per year.

Further, the site writes that in 2015, the consumption of carbonated drinks in the United States, only 650 servings per person per year, which is the lowest consumption since 1985.

An other article on Fortune's site, says "Soda industry suffered losses because consumers now prefer healthy drinks, such as fruit juices and flavored water."

Now the times are changing, the trend changed when the American public prefers a more healthful beverages. However, no impact to drink diet soda, which is touted healthier also experienced a decline in sales.

Let's say you were to travel in one of the cities in America, may be used to drink soda, but this time they are little to avoid it, drink more healthy support better lifestyle, low in calories and contains no artificial sugars.

(Source L Kertopati - Indonesia CNN, Fortune /Image A Soekirno)


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