Uniqueness Waves of Red Island Beach

Take a look at the uniqueness of a 200-meters high Hill in front of the beach

With my friends actually want to G-Land beach(Plengkung - locals) in Banyuwangi, dazzling beaches praised by surfers, and even earlier known by foreign surfers, maybe our curiosity itself that evoke these feelings.

We decided to go to the Red Island Beach (Pantai Pulau Merah), which began to gain recognition of the tourists, especially surfers from all over the region.

Not inferior to G-Land, a unique new beach, as if you are in a place somewhere, try to feel the greatness of the waves. In contrast to Kuta Beach in Bali, more undulating waves with a height of two meters and a length of approximately 300 meters. Enchanting!

Red Island Beach, of course you ask, why is called the Red (Merah)? The color of reddish soil and sand clearly visible there, while other stories handed down from the past say, that once radiated red light in front of the coast of the Red Island, so the locals call it the Red Island.

Maybe one day you can try to surf there.

(Source Y Rachmawati - Merdeka.com, J Kriesna Ariesta - Malang /Images J Kriesna - Malang)


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