"Sail Raja Ampat" take place in June 2014

Raja Ampat is now recognized as one of the world's iconic diving with its charm underwater panorama will be attended by about 3000 people at a big event "Sail Raja Ampat 2014".

Nature is amazing, even better known by foreign tourists, especially tourists from America.

Raja Ampat has about 1,700 islands, dive and enjoy the beauty of the underwater panorama, and enjoy the beauty of the Bird of Paradise in some woods in the area.

The ferry service route Sorong-Waisai, Raja Ampat vv every day has been waiting for the tourists. Resort and Homestays scattered around the fishermen village and seaside areas. Being a charm of its own adventure in the blue sea and the small islands around the Wayag islands, Raja Ampat.

(Source Kompas, travelKompas /Images Susetyohadi Winata)


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