Many Tourists from Europe leaving for vacation to Bali

Bali is still a magnet of tourism, such as that delivered by Wayan Sudana - travel observer in Denpasar, September 11, 2013, travelers from European countries who generally enjoys the way of life of Balinese, more and more comes to Bali.

We are aware of the global economic crisis is still going on in Europe, but European tourists remained on vacation while watching a variety of Balinese art and culture are second to none in the world.

According to the Bali Tourism Office, the arrival of tourists from Europe to grow each month as well as during May 2013 recorded 47.940 people increased to 50.284 during June and July rose again to 75.415 people. Even data obtained by Wayan Sudana added presence of tourists from Europe to Bali many as 377.049 people in January-July 2013 increased from the same period in 2012 only 348.766 people have a role or 21,05 percent of all tourists to Bali.

Citing Antara news agency, tourists from England and France remained listed as the top ten countries supplying tourists to Bali, along with Australia, China, Japan, Malaysia, South Korea, Taiwan, Singapore and the United States.

Bali is always interesting, watching rural communities is the main attraction, and the faint sound of gamelan as a form of ritual almost every day.

Tourists do like the quiet rural nature and harmony with the natural surroundings.

(Source Antara, Bali Tourism Office, travelKompas, I Wayan Surya /Image V Saver)


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